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This cheat sheet provides a quick reference for common concepts and commands related to the tail command in Linux. tail is used to display the last few lines of a text file, making it particularly useful for log files and real-time monitoring.

tail Concepts

Basic Usage

tail is primarily used for displaying the last few lines of a file.

  • Display the last 10 lines of a file (default):

    tail filename
  • Display a specific number of lines from the end of a file (e.g., 20 lines):

    tail -n 20 filename
  • Continuously display new lines as they are added to a file (real-time monitoring):

    tail -f filename

Displaying Lines in Reverse

You can use tac and tail together to display lines in reverse order.

  • Display the last 10 lines of a file in reverse order:
    tac filename | tail -n 10

Following Multiple Files

tail can follow multiple files simultaneously.

  • Monitor multiple files simultaneously:
    tail -f file1 file2

Using grep with tail

You can combine tail with grep to filter specific lines from the output.

  • Display lines containing a specific keyword from a file (e.g., "error"):
    tail -f filename | grep "error"

tail Command-Line

  • Display the last 10 lines of a file (default):

    tail filename
  • Display a specific number of lines from the end of a file (e.g., 20 lines):

    tail -n 20 filename
  • Continuously display new lines as they are added to a file (real-time monitoring):

    tail -f filename
  • Display the last 10 lines of a file in reverse order:

    tac filename | tail -n 10
  • Monitor multiple files simultaneously:

    tail -f file1 file2
  • Display lines containing a specific keyword from a file (e.g., "error"):

    tail -f filename | grep "error"


This cheat sheet covers common concepts and commands for using the tail command in Linux. tail is a valuable tool for viewing the last few lines of files, making it useful for log analysis and real-time monitoring; refer to the tail manual for more in-depth information and advanced usage.